Hi, my name is Wayne Dermondy. In April 2018 I came across a Quick Build Home advertised on the Property section of Trade Me. I was intrigued by the concept so contacted the company to have a look at their show home. Was impressed with the concept enough to purchase a sub dividable site in Upper Hutt, Wellington at the end of the following month with a plan to have build two of their 95m2 houses.
QBH give you three build options. 1. You can just buy the kitset and build it yourself. 2. You can pay QBH to do the “Shell Build”, which is building the dwelling to lockup stage. 3. Full Build. Their site explains in more detail on the build options.
I chose the Shell Build option. Unfortunately, QBH were so busy at the time we needed them to build the first house, in October 2018, the only way they could do it for us was to provide one of their builders to teach me and a friend to build the first one.
I got in to building these things by accident. Have since built up my own crew and we have are now close to finishing our fourth 95m2 house and have two more 95m2 houses to build plus three 72m2 houses to build. Basically, I plan to build a lot more of these in the future.
They sell well.
For example. Before COVID-19, in the Wellington market, a 95m2 may sell anywhere from mid $500s to high $600s. Also, a 72m2 QBH house sold in the suburb of Taita, Lower Hutt for very high $500s a few weeks before lockdown with a small section.
They rent really well too.
You can get the same market rent for one of these as any standalone house in the market of comparable size and condition. They have a great insulation rating. Are double glazed. They have a better insulation rating than any conventional new build if they were to use the minimum BRANZ insulation specs. And are super low maintenance too.
Basically, I plan to build a lot more of these in the future and can recommend them to anyone. So have a look at their website www.qbh.co.nz and give them a call.